Manage Attendees
Search by order #, last name, or email address. View or send receipt or PDF ticket to customer.
Attendee List
Search by Ticket #, order #, last name, or email address. View or download PDF tickets. Export attendee list to .csv
Add Attendees
Complimentary tickets. Select ticket(s), or seats, enter contact attendee info, payment method > Complimentary. Send.
Email Attendees
Send an email to ticket holders for this event. Compose your message. Send.
Event Access Control
Tick boxes of ticket types to allow gate access. Add different gates as needed (i.e. VIP, GA etc) for separate entrances.
Search your attendees by name or email address. Select “check in” to manually scan them in from within your event.
Cancel / Refund
Search the order by order #, last name, or email address (Manage Attendees > Orders)
Click the eye icon to view order
Cancel an individual ticket from an order by clicking the X to the right of the ticket,
Cancel/refund the entire order - scroll down and click the button
*NOTE: This cancels the tickets/order less INTIX and transaction fees. If you want the customer to receive fees as well, this can be done via Stripe, but they will come out of your balance. Click "View in Stripe" in the order, search the customer's email address, and refund fees.
The Dashboard shows you your ticket sales progress onscreen, but you may want to access up-to-the minute sales and attendee data along the way.
Event Reports
There are several reports available, should you need to export your sales summary, transactions, ticket line items breakdowns etc. Export to csv, and sort & filter according to your needs.
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Box Office - Tap To Pay
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