Including a video in your event details section can be a useful visual tool to drum up excitement for the event with a promo video, or to show how the event looked in the past.
First thing's first: the video must be uploaded on a shareable website (i.e. YouTube or Vimeo)
- Go to the public-facing page where your video is posted (in this case, YouTube).
- Click the 3 dots next to the video name
- Click "Share" to get your shareable options
Select "Embed" < >
This is the code you want to copy. Select "Copy".
Now to paste it in your event! > log in > go to your event > Event Details > scroll down to the Description field.
This is where you want to paste the code. Select the < > button.
Paste the code here. Be sure to keep the <p> code at the beginning and </p> at the end of the pasted code. Click "Save".
This is how it looks on the back end of your event.
Event > Event Details > scroll down to Description. See the embedded video.
This is how it looks on the front end of your event.
Click the event URL from your event Dashboard to see what your customers will see. Your video will be embedded in your event description.
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