- Refunding a Door Sale in INTIX Box Office
- Orphan Seats in a Reserved Seating event: To leave or not to leave?
- Creating Unpaid Orders in Reserved Seating events
- How to set up a Flexible Ticket Package
- Set a countdown timer to ticket onsale
- How to find the QR Code for your event
- Pricing options: Adding a Ticket type to your Event
- Adding a Ticket Category to your event
- Adding a Group Ticket to your Event
- Updating Inventory
- Ticket Resale Fees & Settings
- Ticket Name Change - Everything organisers need to know
- Cancelling an individual ticket from an order
- Refunding an individual ticket from an order
- Cancelling and Refunding an entire order
- Processing a partial refund
- Processing complimentary tickets for events
- Adding Custom Questions to gather information
- How to set up Upgrade options